11 Unique Courses to Study Abroad in 2024

Admission Going On, Hurry To Enroll Now 82 : 36 : 45 : 09 Call : +91 9107 777888 support@globalvisionoverseas.com Home About Us Our Services Partner Universities Study DestinationsOpen menu Study in United States of America Study in United Kingdom Study in Germany Study in Canada Study in Australia Study in New Zealand Study in Ireland Study in France Study in Belgium Study in Austria Top Ausbildung Courses in Germany Global Exams TrainingOpen menu IELTS TOEFL GMAT PTE GRE SAT Contact us X Blogs 11 Unique Courses to Study Abroad in 2024 Conventional degrees, which provide an easier path to well-established employment in industries like engineering, law, and medicine, have long been the backbone of higher education. But there has been a clear shift in recent years toward nontraditional degrees that serve specialized interests and developing sectors. This trend reflects changing societal needs and the growing recognition of the value of diverse skill sets in the modern workforce. Traditional degrees are undoubtedly beneficial, but not everyone’s passions or professional goals will always line up with them. By exploring unique courses to study abroad, students can explore a plethora of opportunities, including pursuing their interests in specialized subjects or immersing themselves in diverse cultures and educational environments. Studying abroad can also promote independence, intercultural competency, and personal development—all of which are essential qualities in a modern, globalized society. In this blog post, we will dive deep into a diverse range of unique courses to study abroad that offer alternative pathways to higher education and promising career opportunities. From niche degrees in fields like Ethnobotany and Astrobiology to interdisciplinary studies such as Environmental Humanities and Digital Anthropology, we’ll explore the unique programs and innovative approaches offered by universities around the globe. Whether you’re passionate about sustainable agriculture, renewable energy technology, or culinary arts, there’s a unique study option waiting to be discovered. Join us as we embark on a journey to explore the fascinating world of unconventional degrees and study options abroad. The Growing Demand for Unconventional Degrees The wide range of interests and professional goals that today’s students have often leave traditional degrees behind. A customized approach provided by unconventional degrees enables students to more successfully pursue their interests and objectives. Employers seek candidates with niche knowledge and innovative thinking to meet the demands of emerging industries. Unconventional degrees equip students with these unique skill sets, providing a competitive edge in the job market. Unconventional degrees encompass interdisciplinary studies, vocational programs, and niche degrees tailored to specific industries. They emphasize creativity, flexibility, and real-world applicability, aligning with the evolving needs of the workforce. List of Unique Courses to Study Abroad Taking a unique education abroad offers a chance to immerse yourself in a new culture, gain valuable international experience, and expand your academic horizons. But do keep in mind that if you are going with this kind of unique course, then you will definitely need abroad education consultants, so get a proper idea about the course, the institute, and its potential. Also, if you are looking for global education consultants in Gurgaon, then you can connect with Global Vision Overseas Careers. Anyway, let’s start the list of 11 unique courses to study abroad: 1. Culinary Arts and Gastronomy This field lets you dive deep into the art and science of cooking, food culture, and culinary history. Courses cover culinary techniques, restaurant management, food science, and the cultural significance of different cuisines. Universities in France, Italy, and Thailand boast strong culinary arts programs. 2. Artificial Intelligence and Robotics This rapidly developing industry studies the building and implementation of intelligent devices and systems. The courses address machine learning, robotics, computer vision, and the ethical considerations of AI. Universities in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany lead the way in AI and robotics education and research. 3. Marine Biology and Oceanography This field lets you explore marine life, habitats, and the physical features of the water. The courses address marine ecology, oceanography, fisheries management, and the effects of climate change on marine habitats. Universities in Australia, the United States, and Norway have excellent marine biology and oceanographic programs. 4. Bioinformatics This multidisciplinary area combines biology, computer science, and data analysis to analyze and modify biological data. Bioinformatics is ideal for people who enjoy both science and technology. Its applications include drug discovery, customized medicine, and genetic engineering. Universities in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany are well-known for their excellent bioinformatics programs. 5. Sports Sciences This diverse field dives deep into the scientific elements of human mobility, performance enhancement, and injury prevention. The courses address exercise physiology, biomechanics, sports psychology, and data analysis in sports. Individuals who are passionate about sports and desire to work with players, coaches, or in sports medicine may find this job appropriate. Universities in Australia, the United Kingdom, and Germany have renowned sports science departments. 6. Cybersecurity and Ethical Hacking As the digital world increasingly becomes more vulnerable, cybersecurity specialists are in great demand. This field teaches students how to detect and protect against cyberattacks, ethical hacking techniques for penetration testing, and safe network architecture. Universities in the United States, Israel, and the United Kingdom are at the leading edge of cybersecurity education. 7. Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems This field of study focuses on creating sustainable agriculture methods and food systems to solve global issues such as climate change and food security. Course topics include organic farming, permaculture, food policy, and the social and economic elements of sustainable food production. Universities in the Netherlands, Denmark, and Australia provide outstanding sustainable agricultural programs. 8. Game Studies This multidisciplinary study option lets you explore the design, development, and cultural significance of video games. The courses include game theory, narrative design, programming, and the psychological and social elements of gaming. Universities in Finland, the United States, and Canada are renowned for their innovative game studies programs. 9. Cosmetology Beyond the salon, cosmetology helps you explore the science and art of beauty care. Courses include hairdressing, skincare,… Continue reading 11 Unique Courses to Study Abroad in 2024

Financial Planning for Study Abroad

Admission Going On, Hurry To Enroll Now 82 : 36 : 45 : 09 Call : +91 9107 777888 support@globalvisionoverseas.com Home About Us Our Services Partner Universities Study DestinationsOpen menu Study in United States of America Study in United Kingdom Study in Germany Study in Canada Study in Australia Study in New Zealand Study in Ireland Study in France Study in Belgium Study in Austria Top Ausbildung Courses in Germany Global Exams TrainingOpen menu IELTS TOEFL GMAT PTE GRE SAT Contact us X Blogs Financial Planning for Study Abroad: From Scholarships for Study Abroad to Budgeting Tips Studying abroad is a dream of every student in India, but when we see it from a financial perspective, this dream becomes a nightmare. There are many students who get scholarships to study abroad, but if you didn’t get any scholarships but still want to study abroad, then this article is for you. Studying in another country costs a lot of money. If you don’t plan your finances carefully, you could end up with a lot of debt and stress. That’s why it’s important to think ahead and make a plan for how you’ll pay for everything. In this article, we are going to explain all the financial planning you need to do if you want to study abroad, including complete scholarship details, grants, and budgeting tips. So read this article till the end and make your dream come true. Scholarships: Your Key to Affordability Scholarships are basically free money given to students to help them pay for their education. They’re super important because they can make studying abroad more affordable and reduce the amount of money you have to pay out of pocket. Types of scholarships for international students: There are different kinds of scholarships out there: Merit-Based: These types of scholarships are based on how well you’ve done in school. Need-Based: These are based on how much money you have. Some are specific to or exclusive to particular countries or regions. Some are for students studying specific subjects. Where to Find Scholarships? You might have a question: Is a foreign scholarship for Indian students allowed? Well, yes, you can check out the websites of the universities you’re interested in, look into private organizations, and check if there are scholarships for studying abroad offered by the Indian government. There are also online databases where you can search for scholarships that you might be eligible for. Tips for applying to scholarships Applying for scholarships can take time, so it’s a good idea to start early. Make sure to read all the requirements carefully and tailor your applications to each scholarship you apply for. If you need help, don’t be afraid to ask teachers, counselors, or mentors for assistance. Grants: Another Source of Financial Aid Similar to scholarships, grants also provide funding for education, although their distribution usually depends on financial need rather than academic performance. Therefore, grants can be a huge help if you’re having trouble paying for education. Different types of grants There are multiple types of grants available. State grants are provided by your state’s government, whereas central grants are provided by the central government. Colleges and universities themselves grant institutional awards. Eligibility criteria and the application process To get a grant, you usually have to show that you don’t have a lot of money to pay for school. The application process varies depending on the grant, but it typically involves filling out some forms and providing information about your financial situation. How do grants work with other financial aid? Grants can work alongside scholarships and other forms of financial aid to help you pay for school. They can fill in the gaps where scholarships don’t cover everything, making your education more affordable overall. Budgeting Tips: Make the Most of Your Resources Budgeting helps you understand how much money you have and how much you’ll need for your study abroad journey. It ensures you can manage your finances wisely and avoid running out of money while you’re away from home. Pre-departure budgeting for Indian students Before you leave for your study abroad adventure, it’s essential to estimate all your expenses. This includes tuition fees, accommodation costs, transportation, food, insurance, and any other expenses you might have. Research the cost of living in your destination country to get a clear picture of how much you’ll need. Strategies for saving money while studying abroad: There are several ways Indian students can save money while living abroad. Cooking at home instead of eating out, using public transportation, and taking advantage of student discounts can all help you stretch your budget further. Managing finances while abroad Once you’re overseas, it’s crucial to track your expenses and stick to a budget. Set limits on how much you can spend each week or month, and try to find part-time work opportunities if it’s allowed under your visa conditions. Balancing fun and frugality While it’s essential to be mindful of your spending, don’t forget to enjoy your time abroad. Look for free or low-cost activities and experiences to make the most of your time without overspending. Other ways to Manage Study Abroad Funds Apart from scholarships for study abroad and grants, we are going to discuss a few more ways to arrange the funds before leaving the country and after leaving the country so that it can help you bear the costs of studying abroad. Work as a Part-Time Worker Working as a part-time worker means having a job where you work fewer hours than a full-time employee. Part-time jobs can be ideal for students because they allow you to balance work with your studies. These jobs typically offer flexibility in scheduling, making it easier to manage your time effectively. As an international student, it’s important to understand the regulations regarding part-time work in your host country, such as the maximum number of hours you’re allowed to work per week and any restrictions on the type of work you can do. Part-time work can provide you with… Continue reading Financial Planning for Study Abroad

How to Create a Statement of Purpose? Complete Guide

Admission Going On, Hurry To Enroll Now 82 : 36 : 45 : 09 Call : +91 9107 777888 support@globalvisionoverseas.com Home About Us Our Services Partner Universities Study DestinationsOpen menu Study in United States of America Study in United Kingdom Study in Germany Study in Canada Study in Australia Study in New Zealand Study in Ireland Study in France Study in Belgium Study in Austria Top Ausbildung Courses in Germany Global Exams TrainingOpen menu IELTS TOEFL GMAT PTE GRE SAT Contact us X Blogs How to Create a Statement of Purpose? A statement of purpose (SOP) plays a crucial role in the overseas education admission process by allowing you to make a strong case for why you deserve the opportunity and how you will contribute to the academic or professional community. In this article, we’ll discuss: What is a Statement of Purpose? What should I keep in mind while creating a statement of purpose? How to Write a Statement of Purpose Detailed Strategy to Write a Statement of Purpose for the University Statement of purpose customization for different types of programs Undergraduate Graduate program Common questions to avoid mistakes while writing in SOP. What is a Statement of Purpose? A statement of purpose (SOP) is a document typically required as part of an application for Abroad academic programs, scholarships, or fellowships. Its primary purpose is to provide the admissions committee (AdCom) with insights into who you are, your academic or professional background, your motivations and aspirations, and why you are a suitable candidate for the opportunity. In essence, an SOP serves as a personal narrative that allows you to articulate your goals, experiences, and qualifications in a clear and compelling manner. It provides you with an opportunity to showcase your unique qualities, achievements, and interests and to explain how they align with the goals and values of the program or institution you’re applying to. What to keep in mind while creating a statement of Purpose? An effective SOP should be well-structured, concise, and tailored to the specific requirements of the application. It should demonstrate your writing ability, critical thinking skills, and ability to articulate your ideas coherently. Additionally, it should convey your passion for the subject or field of study, as well as your commitment to academic or professional excellence. Now, we’ll be discussing how to write a statement of purpose, but before that, you are learning how to write a SOP, which means it is obvious that you want to go abroad and study. You can check out How to Get a Scholarship: Ultimate Guide to the Top Scholarships. Also, if you want any extra help regarding studying abroad, then: Get Free Assistance How to Write a Statement of Purpose? Writing a statement of purpose for university applications requires careful thought, planning, and attention to detail. Here’s a detailed guide on how to write an SOP specifically for university admissions: Understand the Purpose: Know Your Audience: Understand that the admissions committee (AdCom) will be reading your SOP. Customize your content to showcase your qualifications, experiences, and aspirations in a way that can impress them. Clarify Your Goals: Determine what you want to achieve with your SOP. Are you applying for an undergraduate or graduate program? What specific qualities or experiences do you want to highlight? Research: Know the University/Program: Research the values, mission, and specific requirements of the university and program you’re applying to. This will help you tailor your SOP to fit their expectations. Review Guidelines: Pay close attention to any guidelines or indications provided by the university regarding the content, length, and format of the SOP. Brainstorm and Outline: Reflect on Your Experiences: Make a list of your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, volunteer work, leadership roles, and personal qualities that are relevant to the application. Identify Key Themes: Look for common themes or threads in your experiences that demonstrate your passion, skills, and potential contributions. Create an Outline: Organize your thoughts and ideas into a structured outline with clear sections such as introduction, educational background, extracurricular activities, achievements, career goals, and conclusion. Writing Process: Introduction: Begin with an attention-grabbing hook to draw the reader’s attention. Clearly state your purpose for applying to the university and the specific program you’re interested in. Body: Educational Background: Briefly summarize your academic achievements, relevant coursework, academic honors, and any special projects or research you’ve undertaken. Extracurricular Activities: Highlight your involvement in extracurricular activities, clubs, organizations, sports teams, or community service projects that demonstrate your leadership, teamwork, and commitment. Achievements: Showcase any notable achievements, awards, or recognitions you’ve received in academics, sports, the arts, or other areas. Career Goals: Clearly articulate your short-term and long-term career goals and explain how the university and program will help you achieve them. Fit with the University or Program: Explain why you’re specifically interested in the university and program and how your background, interests, and goals align with their values and offerings. Conclusion Summarize your main points and reiterate your enthusiasm for joining the university and program Leave a lasting impression by expressing your readiness to contribute to the university community and excel academically. Drafting and Revision: Write Freely: Don’t worry too much about perfection in the first draft. Focus on getting your ideas down on paper. Revise for Clarity and Conciseness: Review your draft for clarity, coherence, and conciseness. Remove any unnecessary details or repetitive information. Seek Feedback: Have teachers, counselors, or mentors review your SOP for feedback and suggestions for improvement. Proofread: Check for grammatical errors, typing errors, and formatting issues. Ensure that your SOP is polished and error-free. Final Touches Formatting: Ensure that your SOP adheres to any formatting requirements specified by the university. You can take reference from the publicly available statement of purpose format of the same university. Word Count: Double-check the word count to make sure you’re within the specified limit. Personalization: Make sure your SOP is personalized and tailored to each university and program you’re applying to. Submit On Time: Submit your SOP before the deadline and double-check… Continue reading How to Create a Statement of Purpose? Complete Guide

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7 Lesser-Known Countries in Europe for Your Study Abroad Programs

Admission Going On, Hurry To Enroll Now 82 : 36 : 45 : 09 Call : +91 9107 777888 support@globalvisionoverseas.com Home About Us Our Services Partner Universities Study DestinationsOpen menu Study in United States of America Study in United Kingdom Study in Germany Study in Canada Study in Australia Study in New Zealand Study in Ireland Study in France Study in Belgium Study in Austria Top Ausbildung Courses in Germany Global Exams TrainingOpen menu IELTS TOEFL GMAT PTE GRE SAT Contact us X Blogs 7 Lesser-Known Countries in Europe for Your Study Abroad Programs – Explore Hidden Gems Ayushi, a study abroad aspirant, always wanted to study in the land of grand coliseums, fairytale castles, and enough delicious food to make her tastebuds do a happy dance. Yes, you guessed it right. She always dreamed of studying in Europe. Although her challenge was something that many wanderlusters like her could imagine,. She didn’t want to study in a popular European nation, but in a country under Europe that is a hidden gem and is equally regarded when it comes to education. When it comes to Ayushi’s study abroad choice, do you relate? Which European countries can you and Ayushi study in that have exquisite and hidden gems? According to a popular study, over 50,000 Indian students studied in Europe in 2023. Europe has always been a popular continent for Indian students to study abroad. The continent offers options for students to pick from, with 44 countries total, out of which 27 are Schengen countries. However, beyond the Eiffel Tower lies Europe. There are numerous lesser-known European destinations that offer a unique cultural experience away from the masses with quality education regarded worldwide (and perhaps even substantial student discounts!). Therefore, put away the mundane and prepare to explore with the aid of this list. 1. Ljubljana, Slovenia: Welcome to Ljubljana, Slovenia! Imagine a charming city with a charming historic center and a peaceful river meandering through it, all encircled by majestic mountains. It sounds absolutely stunning! Isn’t it? Let us also introduce you to Ljubljana! With its medieval castle and trendy cafes, the Slovenian capital is a vibrant hub of culture. In addition, the University of Ljubljana is a prestigious institution offering a diverse selection of programs taught in English. Additionally, Slovenia is renowned for its breathtaking natural landscapes, making weekend hikes in the Julian Alps an absolute necessity! Wait, don’t just pack your bags already; we have more such beautiful hidden gems in European countries for study abroad programs. 2. Utrecht, Netherlands: Get ready to cycle around this beautiful country. The number of Indian students enrolled in Dutch universities increased marginally from the previous year to 3,363 in 2021–22. The Netherlands is underrated when it comes to offering quality education in Europe. Utrecht, the hip sibling of Amsterdam, boasts an exciting student scene without the exorbitant costs. With its youthful population, charming canal network, and prestigious university that prioritizes sustainability and innovation, this Dutch city is an ideal destination for eco-conscious individuals looking to make a difference! 3. Brno, Czech Republic: Prague is undoubtedly beautiful, but have you ever come across Brno, the Czech Republic’s second-largest city? No? Great, because we are going to introduce you to a city that is not less than paradise. This place is filled with fascinating history, boasting impressive architectural marvels such as the Špilberk Castle. Furthermore, it has a vibrant student community that adds to its lively atmosphere. Living in this city is more affordable than in Prague, making it a great choice for those Indian students who are on a tight budget. Brno, home to Masaryk University, is a fantastic destination for those who love to explore and have a passion for academics. With its rich history and wide range of programs, this university is a top choice for Indian students in Central Europe. Studying abroad on a budget in a beautiful country seemed like a dream. Isn’t it? Not anymore. 4. Leuven, Belgium: Attention, all beer lovers! (We don’t promote that, but it’s a part of their culture.) With over 700 Indian students enrolled in Belgium universities in 2022, Belgium is growing as a popular study abroad destination but still a hidden gem. Leuven, a city with a rich history in Flanders, Belgium, is renowned for being the birthplace of Stella Artois and its long-standing brewing heritage. Aside from its renowned university (KU Leuven), Leuven has much more to offer than just its hops. The city has a delightful blend of medieval architecture and vibrant student culture, providing an unparalleled experience. History enthusiasts, you may explore and learn more here than in your classrooms. 5. Valletta, Malta: It’s time to embrace the allure of island life! Nestled in the Mediterranean, Malta is a captivating archipelagic nation. It boasts breathtaking beaches, pristine waters, and a fascinating history that stretches back to ancient times. The University of Malta has the prestigious title of being the oldest higher learning institution in the entire Commonwealth. Additionally, the university community widely speaks English, ensuring no language barrier issues. Malta is a top choice among Indian students to study abroad since it’s scenic beauty and quality education attract a lot of students for their study abroad programs. Malta’s picturesque landscapes and high-quality education make it an extremely popular destination for Indian students for their study abroad programs. 6. Riga, Latvia: Prepare to fall in love with Riga, the capital of Latvia. Immerse yourself in the charm of this UNESCO World Heritage Site, where a medieval old town awaits with its enchanting cobbled streets and awe-inspiring architecture. Latvia is a country that boasts a fascinating fusion of Baltic and Slavic cultures. Moreover, the University of Latvia stands out as a prestigious research institution. According to recent reports, there are more than 2800 international students studying in Latvia, and the number has been increasing every year since the previous decade. 7. Bergen, Norway You must be familiar with the Northern Lights. With your study abroad program, how about you… Continue reading 7 Lesser-Known Countries in Europe for Your Study Abroad Programs

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10 Tips for Academic Success While Studying Abroad

Admission Going On, Hurry To Enroll Now 82 : 36 : 45 : 09 Call : +91 9107 777888 support@globalvisionoverseas.com Home About Us Our Services Partner Universities Study DestinationsOpen menu Study in United States of America Study in United Kingdom Study in Germany Study in Canada Study in Australia Study in New Zealand Study in Ireland Study in France Study in Belgium Study in Austria Top Ausbildung Courses in Germany Global Exams TrainingOpen menu IELTS TOEFL GMAT PTE GRE SAT Contact us X Blogs 10 Tips for Academic Success While Studying Abroad You’ve just started a new school, college, or other learning program in a new country. It’s exciting, right? But let’s be honest; it can also feel like you’ve landed on a different planet. A new place, unfamiliar faces, and a new schedule can make you feel nervous. Don’t sweat it! This blog has got you covered. This blog offers 10 research-backed strategies to help students succeed in a new learning environment. So, without further ado, let’s get started! Top Tips for Student Success Let’s explore some tips to help you succeed in a new learning environment. And guess what? We’ve also included some helpful video resources to guide you along the way! Have a Growth Mindset Think of yourself as a video game character starting a new level. You might not know all the tricks yet, but that’s the beauty of it. Approach your studies with an open mind and a willingness to explore. Studies show that students with a growth mindset outperform their closed-minded counterparts. With an open mind, you are more receptive to new ideas, adaptable to change, and achieve higher academic success. So, ask questions, be curious, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. That’s how you learn and grow the most. Take Notes You know how some people just listen in class and hope it sticks? It turns out this strategy doesn’t work! A research study found that students who take notes score about 13% higher on tests than those who don’t. Taking clear, organized notes is like having a built-in cheat sheet for your brain. The best part? You can create a note-taking system that works for you. Are you artistic? Go for mind maps. Love a pop of color? Color-code your notes. Prefer simplicity? Use bullet points. Remember, the more detailed and organized your notes are, the easier it will be to review them later. Want to master note-taking in different subjects? Check out the video for top tips! @7 Note-Taking Secrets of the Top 1% of Students Develop Time Management Skills Juggling classes, assignments, and extracurricular activities can be tricky. It’s better to create a daily or weekly schedule that allocates specific times for studying, completing homework, and relaxing. This will help you stay organized and avoid feeling overwhelmed. Research also shows a positive relationship between time management and academic success. You ask, “Why?” A well-organized schedule brings clarity, reduces stress, and allows you to focus your energy on the tasks that matter most. Want to learn about time-management techniques? Watch this video! @How I Manage My Time – 10 Time Management Tips Ask for Help If you need assistance with a concept or need to clarify a question, contact your instructors. Don’t hesitate to raise your hand in class or contact them during office hours. Asking for help is a sign of taking initiative and responsibility for your learning. By getting help from your instructors, you can maximize your academic success and better understand complex topics. Remember, teachers are there to guide you. They’d much rather help you understand something than see you struggle silently. Take Care of Yourself You wouldn’t expect your car to run smoothly without proper fuel and maintenance, right? Well, the same goes for your brain! Your brain is your most valuable tool, so treat it with respect. Fuel it with healthy foods, prioritize sleep, and exercise regularly. Make time for relaxation, hobbies, and socializing. Taking breaks and engaging in enjoyable activities will help you stay motivated and prevent burnout. A well-rested and happy brain is a learning machine! Celebrate the Wins- Big or Small Learning is a journey, not a destination. There will be bumps along the road. But you must acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, big and small. According to research by Teresa Amabile, a top researcher at Harvard Business School, keeping track of small wins can boost your motivation. Have you aced a tough exam? Have you finished reading a chapter? Have you completed a challenging project? Pat yourself on the back and reward yourself for your hard work. Celebrating your successes will motivate you and help you reach your full potential. Find a Suitable Learning Environment Everyone learns differently. Some people like to study in a quiet library setting, while others prefer the buzz of a coffee shop. Research shows that the learning environment greatly influences your academic success. So, find a learning environment that helps you focus and minimizes distractions. It can be your room, a study group space, or even a specific corner of the library. Form a Study Group Studying alone can be tedious. You can look for classmates with similar interests and study habits. You can form a study group to quiz each other, discuss challenging concepts, and motivate each other to stay on track. People with different strengths can help everyone see the material from new angles. You can decide when and where you’ll meet regularly, what topics you want to tackle, and what each person will contribute (like summarizing key points, preparing questions, and bringing study materials). Also, it’s better to include 3–5 members in a study group. A smaller group lets everyone participate, get personalized help, and stay focused. A larger one is more prone to distractions and inefficiency. Prioritize Tasks Not all tasks are equally important. Some are more urgent than others. To stay organized and avoid feeling overwhelmed, you should learn to prioritize your work based on deadlines and difficulty. Make a… Continue reading 10 Tips for Academic Success While Studying Abroad

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GVOC’s Ultimate Guide to the Top Scholarships for Indian Students Abroad

Admission Going On, Hurry To Enroll Now 82 : 36 : 45 : 09 Call : +91 9107 777888 support@globalvisionoverseas.com Home About Us Our Services Partner Universities Study DestinationsOpen menu Study in United States of America Study in United Kingdom Study in Germany Study in Canada Study in Australia Study in New Zealand Study in Ireland Study in France Study in Belgium Study in Austria Global Exams TrainingOpen menu IELTS TOEFL GMAT PTE GRE SAT Contact us X Blogs GVOC’s Ultimate Guide to the Top Scholarships for Indian Students Abroad Have you ever felt like you’re drowning in a sea of information about scholarships for Indian students abroad? Tons of websites, confusing eligibility criteria, and the constant pressure to rise above the crowd—it’s enough to make you feel lost in a jungle. Worry not! This blog has got you covered. This blog is your one-stop compass, ready to guide you through the complexities of scholarships for Indian students. You’ll get information about various types of international scholarships for Indian students. After reading this blog, you’ll be able to find a scholarship that perfectly aligns with your unique goals and aspirations. Top 10 Scholarships for Indian Students Abroad 1. National Overseas Scholarship Purpose: This scholarship is an Indian government-funded program that helps students from communities like SC, Denotified Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Tribes (DNT), landless agricultural laborers, and traditional artisans who want to study abroad. 30% of scholarships are reserved for female candidates.   Education level: This scholarship for Indian students supports Master’s degrees and Ph.D. courses.   Benefits: The scholarship covers your tuition fees, living expenses, extra cash for unexpected costs, and even your airfare. Eligibility Criteria: You must be an Indian citizen. You must have at least 60% marks in the qualifying examination (a bachelor’s degree for master’s level courses and a master’s degree for Ph.D. courses). You must be under 35 years old on the 1st of April in the scholarship year. You can find more details about this scholarship here. 2. GREAT Scholarships India Purpose: This international scholarship for Indian students is jointly funded by the UK government’s GREAT Britain Campaign, the British Council, and participating UK universities. It is available to students who wish to study in the UK. Education level: This scholarship is available for postgraduate studies. Benefits: It provides £10,000 towards your tuition fees for a wide range of one-year taught postgraduate courses. Eligibility Criteria: You must be a citizen of India. You must have an undergraduate degree with a strong academic record. You must have a valid offer letter from a participating UK university.   You can check out the British Council website to learn more about the participating universities. 3. Dr. Abdul Kalam International Postgraduate Scholarship Purpose: This scholarship for Indian students is offered by the University of Sydney in Australia. Education Level: Available for a one-year master’s degree (coursework) in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies. Benefits: It covers 50% of tuition fees, living allowance, and overseas health cover (OSHC). Eligibility Criteria: This scholarship is open to all international students. To be eligible for this scholarship, you’ll need an unconditional offer for a Master’s program at the University of Sydney. You must have earned at least 75% in your undergraduate studies. This scholarship is not for you if you’re already enrolled in a postgraduate program at the University of Sydney. Note: This scholarship is not for those already enrolled in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies or transferring within the university. 4. Lady Meherbai D Tata Education Trust Scholarship Purpose: The Lady Meherbai D Tata Education Trust Scholarship is especially for Indian women interested in social work, social sciences, social welfare, education, healthcare, and medicine. The selection is made on a merit basis. Education Level: Available for postgraduate studies abroad. Benefits: It helps you pay your tuition fees, ranging from ₹3 lakhs to ₹6 lakhs. This scholarship does not cover living expenses or travel costs. Eligibility Criteria: This scholarship is available for Indian women graduates from reputed universities. It requires at least two years of work experience in a relevant field (as of the application year). You must secure admission at reputable US, UK, or European universities. You can find additional information about this scholarship here. 5. The Stanford Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowship Purpose: This merit-based scholarship is provided to only three Indian students each year to pursue an MBA at the Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB). There’s one catch: after graduation, you need to return to India and work for at least two years to give back to your home country. Education Level: This scholarship supports pursuing an MBA at Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB). Benefits: The scholarship covers around 80% of tuition and other program fees for up to two years. The maximum scholarship amount is INR 70 lakh (USD 95,000). Eligibility Criteria: You must have a strong academic performance throughout your educational journey. Having work experience is a plus, but not mandatory. You must have completed senior secondary education in India. This is a competitive scholarship, so make sure you put your best foot forward! 6. Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship Purpose: The Aga Khan Foundation offers this scholarship to talented students from developing countries facing financial limitations. Education Level: This scholarship is available for students seeking Master’s and Ph.D. degrees at reputable universities worldwide. Benefits: You get 50% of the funding as a freebie (grant), and you pay back the other half (loan) with interest after graduation. This scholarship covers your tuition fees and living expenses for your Master’s program or the first two years of your Ph.D. Eligibility Criteria: You need a strong academic record (at least 60% marks). You must hold a bachelor’s degree (for a master’s) or a master’s degree (for a Ph.D.). You must have secured admission to a reputed postgraduate institution. You must have leadership potential. Note: Bonus points are given to you if you’ve got work experience and are under 30 years of age. They favor Master’s program… Continue reading GVOC’s Ultimate Guide to the Top Scholarships for Indian Students Abroad

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10 Top Reasons Why You Need a Study Abroad Consultant

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Admission Going On, Hurry To Enroll Now 82 : 36 : 45 : 09 Call : +91 9107 777888 support@globalvisionoverseas.com Home About Us Our Services Partner Universities Study DestinationsOpen menu Study in United States of America Study in United Kingdom Study in Germany Study in Canada Study in Australia Study in New Zealand Study in Ireland Study in France Study in Belgium Study in Austria Global Exams TrainingOpen menu IELTS TOEFL GMAT PTE GRE SAT Contact us X Blogs 10 Top Reasons Why You Need a Study Abroad Consultant The idea of studying abroad sounds amazing: new culture, amazing food, meeting new people, and exploring new places. But then, the application process, visa requirements, and university deadlines make your head spin! You get lost in a maze of questions: Where do I begin? Whom should I trust? Am I doing this right? Your study abroad dream feels more like a never-ending to-do list. That’s where a study abroad consultant comes to your rescue! They become your compass, cheerleader, and adviser. They guide you throughout your study abroad journey and make it smooth sailing. This blog will help you understand the benefits of partnering with a study abroad consultant. Not only this, it’ll also provide answers to frequently asked questions about study abroad consultants. But before we jump into why you “need” a study abroad consultant, let’s talk about some numbers. Statistics Behind Choosing Study Abroad Consultants Ever wondered how many people actually use the services of study-abroad consultants? A study by Vineet. R. Kamble and Dr. Priyanka Bobade found that a whopping 66.7% of students relied on consultants for their overseas study journey. And guess what? 88.5% of those students said they benefitted from it! Another report by iSchoolConnect showed that nearly 44% of Indian students picked their dream destination and school based on consultant recommendations. These numbers speak volumes, don’t they? Partnering with a foreign study consultant can help you turn your international education dreams into reality. Now, let’s explore the “why” behind these numbers. 10 Key Benefits of Hiring a Study Abroad Consultant Following are some of the benefits of hiring a study abroad counselor: 1. Picking the Right College and Program Forget endless online searches that leave you feeling like a lost puppy. A study abroad counselor can help you find the perfect college and program based on your academic background, interests, and budget. They help you narrow down options that perfectly align with your unique needs. A consultant assesses your academic records, understands your preferences, researches various program options, compares costs and locations, etc. Think of them as your personalized college matchmaker who does all the research and saves you countless hours! 2. Application Process Guidance From essays that shine like diamonds to interviews that leave them speechless, consultants guide you through every step. They help you craft an application that screams, “Admit me!” They tailor your application according to the specific university or program requirements. They also help you with essay writing, interview preparation, application deadline monitoring, etc. 3. Assistance in Visa Applications Visa applications can be trickier than a Rubik’s cube. The process varies depending on your destination and program. Overseas education consultants simplify the process for you. They help you gather the necessary documents, explain the eligibility criteria, and guide you through every step of the process. No more visa-induced stress! 4. Arranging Documents Transcripts, recommendation letters, essays, financial statements—the list goes on! Consultants can help you organize your documents efficiently. They ensure your paperwork is complete before the deadline to avoid last-minute hassle. 5. 24/7 Access to a Dedicated Advisor Studying abroad can be an emotional rollercoaster. It can bring unexpected questions, anxieties, and cultural challenges. This could include visa updates, cultural adjustment queries, academic support needs, etc. With a dedicated consultant by your side, you have a trusted advisor to answer your questions, offer support, and provide personalized guidance throughout your journey. No matter what hurdles you face, you’ll have an expert to help you! 6. Build a Network of Local Contacts Moving to a new country can be daunting. A study abroad consultant connects you with alumni networks, local student groups, and community organizations. This makes your transition to a new culture smoother and more enjoyable. 7. Increased Chances of Admission Getting accepted into your dream program can feel like winning the lottery. With your consultant by your side, your chances increase! Overseas study consultants know the ins and outs of the application process. They can help you craft a compelling application highlighting your strengths, achievements, and unique qualities. 8. Financial Advice Studying abroad can come with a hefty price tag. But don’t worry! A study abroad counselor can help you create a realistic budget, plan your expenses, and explore scholarships and funding options. They make you financially prepared for your overseas dream. You don’t have to worry about your finances. You can just focus on having fun and making memories. 9. Accommodation Support Finding the perfect place to live abroad can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. An overseas education consultant can guide you through various accommodation options—student housing, homestays, or private rentals. They connect you with safe and comfortable housing solutions that fit your budget and lifestyle. You can get your dream home away from home! 10. Career Guidance An overseas education consultant can become your career coach! Wondering how? Well, a consultant can help you explore your options, find relevant internships, and prepare you for the international job market. They can also help you connect with alumni networks and career resources to launch your future after graduation. So, no more career confusion—just endless possibilities! Wrapping Up Studying abroad isn’t just about academics. It’s about personal growth, independence, and experiencing the world firsthand. It can be an adventure of a lifetime. But the road can be confusing without having a study abroad counselor by your side. Just like you can’t climb Mount Everest without a guide, you can’t navigate the complexities of international education… Continue reading 10 Top Reasons Why You Need a Study Abroad Consultant

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In-Demand Skills for Aspirants Studying

Call : +91 9107 777888 support@globalvisionoverseas.com Home About Us Our Services Partner Universities Study DestinationsOpen menu Study in United States of America Study in United Kingdom Study in Germany Study in Canada Study in Australia Study in New Zealand Study in Ireland Study in France Study in Belgium Study in Austria Global Exams TrainingOpen menu IELTS TOEFL GMAT PTE GRE SAT Contact us X Blogs Acquiring In-Demand Skills for Aspirants Studying Abroad for Enhanced Employability Chances Sia, an aspiring young student, stood at the crossroads of her life, deciding whether to pursue her dream of higher education abroad or to stay here and be a part of the ordinary. Full of apprehensions and many unanswered questions, it was then that she decided to silence the voices around her and gather relevant information via reliable sources. She was all in awe upon gathering practical information about young students wishing to study overseas; however, she acknowledged that there were certain imperative skills that she needed to work on to be able to fulfill and sustain her dream of settling and studying abroad. In-depth research presented her with astounding facts and figures, which further made her determined to pursue her passion of studying overseas. Few worldwide facts surrounding overseas educational aspirants: As of 2023, there were approximately 850,000 Indian students enrolled across major countries for educational purposes. A report by Gradding estimated direct expenditure at around $47 billion (2022),which is expected to rise further and reach $70 billion by 2025, includes tuition fees, accommodation, and other living costs. India, the second largest sending country, reached an all-time high of 2,68,923 international students in 2022/23. In the Fall snapshot survey 2023, for all places of origin, India continues to be the highest priority for undergraduates. International students accounted for 6% of the total US higher education population and contributed nearly $38 billion to the US economy in 2023. These facts present a clear picture that studying abroad is a golden gate ticket for Indian students as it offers diverse avenues on a global platform. On the contrary, a lack of skills lowers the chances of any aspirant studying and eventually getting employed. Unaddressed skills gap and its immediate negative effects If left unattended, the skills gap is bound to have a negative impact on both the individual and the employer. The lack of skills in the global workforce can vary depending on geographical location, industry, and economic factors. Covering these particular gaps requires a multi-faceted approach involving governments, educational institutions, businesses, and individuals in tandem.   Identifying and filling these gaps has been of eternal importance for enabling aspirants to stay competitive and gain an edge over others. We help you explore what exactly these are and how you can keep on top of your career and personal development. Highlighted below is the imperative need to bridge the skills gap: To foster lifelong learning: up-skilling and re-skilling through workshops, seminars, and online courses helps individuals lead a satisfied life by promoting lifelong learning. Addressing the gap between education and industry needs: Addressing the skills gap through educational programs to provide students with practical skills and workplace readiness is the need of the hour. Social unity and inclusion fostering a sense of inclusiveness reduces inequality by providing individuals from varied backgrounds with the necessary tools to succeed globally. Job creation through employability manned workers are able to procure secure and well-paying jobs, leading to increased household income and economic stability. Confidence facing global challenges workplaces require individuals to develop the tact to address societal issues facing communities worldwide. Adaptability to change: evolving work scenarios present individuals with opportunities to thrive in a variety of roles and industries. It helps the aspirants stay relevant and competitive by playing versatile roles that cater to changing job requirements. Lucrative benefits of studying abroad An individual experiences diverse cultural, social, economic, and technological advancements once abroad, thanks to the numerous opportunities available. Thus, it becomes imperative to develop certain skills that make an individual prominent and distinct. Employers from a variety of industries place a high value on these skills, which can lead to excellent pay in the workforce. Develop these life-transforming skills and gain an edge in academic settings and beyond: Ace the communication: Studying abroad helps you develop your listening and speaking skills, as well as your ability to understand and adapt to different communication styles. Such skills are essential for jobs that involve teamwork, collaboration, or individual performances on a daily basis. Develop the problem-solving attitude: an individual develops problem-solving, adaptability, and resilience while studying abroad. Employers are often looking for employees who can handle challenges in a fast-paced and technology-based environment. Adopt and adapt: Studying abroad is often viewed as a sign of independence, resilience, and adaptability, as students navigate unfamiliar environments, adapt to new routines, and overcome challenges independently. Cultural and social immersion is an imperative step towards living peacefully. Learn new language skills: Bilingualism, or multilingualism, is increasingly valued in globalized industries. A direct immersion in a foreign language speaking environment is seen as one of the most effective ways to learn a new language or even improve existing language skills. Network and leverage: by building a strong personal and professional network through valuable connections, an individual opens doors of subtle immersion into the culture and people around them. Learn to rightfully leverage your network in any scenario. Studying abroad helps students develop cross-cultural understanding by: Self-awareness and resilience Acting on leadership qualities Taking calculated risks Developing critical thinking skills Honing intrapersonal and interpersonal skills Acclimatize yourself with these traits to excel in education or at the workplace worldwide: Experience new places and cultures at large. Make new friends from around the world. Gain a global perspective on day-to-day simple activities. Study at a comprehensive hub related to your field. Widen your horizons by traveling far and wide. Learn new approaches to handling different situations at the workplace. Ace time management skills for overall productivity Conclusion It can be rightly stated that… Continue reading In-Demand Skills for Aspirants Studying

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Opportunities and Challenges of Indian Students

Call : +91 9107 777888 support@globalvisionoverseas.com Home About Us Our Services Partner Universities Study DestinationsOpen menu Study in United States of America Study in United Kingdom Study in Germany Study in Canada Study in Australia Study in New Zealand Study in Ireland Study in France Study in Belgium Study in Austria Global Exams TrainingOpen menu IELTS TOEFL GMAT PTE GRE SAT Contact us X Blogs STEM Abroad: Opportunities and Challenges of Indian Students Greetings, aspiring Zuckerbergs and Einsteins! Is the possibility of establishing a name for yourself in the rapidly evolving STEM sector something that grabs your attention?Does the fact that there are renowned educational institutions overseas that are constantly buzzing with innovative concepts and ground-breaking research pique your interest?We have got you covered in this blog!Although the interest in studying STEM abroad sounds like an exciting journey that brings in a lot of opportunities, the road certainly has challenges.Worry not! With Global Vision Overseas, studying STEM abroad will always be seamless.Let’s begin on an exciting adventure while we discuss the opportunities and challenges that Indian students who want to pursue STEM fields abroad will face. Challenges to Consider: Beginning a new journey will always introduce you to certain challenges. So, what are some challenges that one can expect to face when studying STEM abroad?1. Financial hurdles: The cost of studying abroad can quickly add up if you fail to plan a budget, as it includes not only tuition fees but also living expenses and travel expenses.Besides all the financial pain points, there are ways to alleviate the strain, such as through scholarships, assistantships, and the careful preparation of a set budget for a month or a week.Nonetheless, accept reality and be mentally prepared to make some financial compromises. 2. Visa Complexities: Obtaining a visa can be a challenging endeavor because of the numerous restrictions and standards that must be followed. To minimize delays or issues, it is important to obtain timely guidance and competent assistance. Wondering who could guide you? Contact Global Vision Overseas today and benefit from our end-to-end services that even cover visa assistance so that you can focus on your journey ahead. 3. Cultural Adjustment:“How am I going to adapt to the changes?” “Will I be able to accept the foreign culture?” “Will the people abroad accept me?”Having such anxious thoughts could be a concern, but sure, this worry of yours has a solution.Adjusting to a new environment, social norms, and language can be a demanding process. The cultural adjustment refers to this difficulty.It is important to approach the experience with an open mind, to look for support from communities, and to not be hesitant to ask for assistance. Moreover, there are Indian communities in most of the popular study abroad destinations. These communities are there to guide you and make you feel at home at all times.In addition to this, represent your Indian culture to the world. You are an unofficial cultural ambassador of India. 4. Homesickness and Isolation:“I will miss my family.” “I will miss the home-cooked food.” There is no denying it; you will. Isolation and homesickness are two issues that might arise when one is separated from their family and friends. Worry not! Continue to maintain connections with others, cultivate new friendships, build a robust global network, and participate in activities that bring you comfort. Being independent in a foreign country is a challenge that requires you to step up in your own personal life. Therefore, accept the challenge and face it with determination. Keep in mind that you are not traveling alone on this path! Now let us take a turn and discuss the opportunities waiting for STEM students abroad. The Alluring Opportunities: 1. World-class education: Studying STEM overseas means you will get access to the best education available globally. Explore the depths of specialist programs offered by prominent colleges such as MIT, Stanford, or Cambridge to obtain an education of world-class caliber. Just for a moment, try to picture yourself gaining knowledge from the most brilliant brains, working with great peers from all over the world, and being at the forefront of research that is truly innovative! Sounds like a plan. Isn’t it? Make it happen. 2. Industry exposure:Studying overseas helps you grow your career on a global scale. That not only helps you upscale your skills but also uplifts your living standards with the better income you get to earn overseas. Gaining experience in the industry can be accomplished by participating in internships at reputable technology businesses such as Google, Tesla, or Siemens. Acquire hands-on experience, cultivate relationships with professionals in your field, and possibly even land the job of your dreams before you graduate! 3. Global perspective: Understanding the ideas, cultures, thoughts, and beliefs of people from all around the world gives you the opportunity to breakthrough your limits, take on life with more broder aspects of your thoughts, and experience a certain change in your mindset due to the maturity you acquire through certain experiences. The exposure you receive to the world will not only improve the quality of your personal life but will also help you become a more well-rounded and flexible professional. 4. Career opportunities: Let’s face it, jobs in the STEM fields are in high demand all across the world. By 2030, STEM employment is anticipated to expand at twice the rate of non-STEM employment, creating 11 million new positions in the United States alone.By studying in a foreign country, one can have access to international job markets, which may provide higher incomes, better prospects for professional progression, and, not to forget, a better lifestyle as well. Conclusion So, after going through certain challenges and opportunities, you can decide if you would be interested in studying STEM abroad.You should give this decision a lot of thought because it is personal and, in the future, will impact your life accordingly. Before making a final decision, consider your academic strengths and financial situation, as well as your heart’s desires and aspirations. Whatever your STEM aspirations… Continue reading Opportunities and Challenges of Indian Students

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6 Ways Indian Students Can Maximize Study Abroad Experience Through Cultural Immersion

Call : +91 9107 777888 support@globalvisionoverseas.com Home About Us Our Services Partner Universities Study DestinationsOpen menu Study in United States of America Study in United Kingdom Study in Germany Study in Canada Study in Australia Study in New Zealand Study in Ireland Study in France Study in Belgium Study in Austria Global Exams TrainingOpen menu IELTS TOEFL GMAT PTE GRE SAT Contact us X Blogs 6 Ways Indian Students Can Maximize Study Abroad Experience Through Cultural Immersion ‘Went to study abroad from India and came back after studies but made no friends there, never went to travel around that foreign country, never learned a word of that foreign language, hardly interacted with the locals there.’Akash, a study abroad aspirant, woke up from this nightmare and got goosebumps since he was soon going to study abroad in the fall of 2024. This nightmare made him wonder, What if all this comes true? “How can I make the most of my study abroad experience?”“Can cultural immersion help me get the most out of my study abroad experience?” “If yes, then how?” Although academics do indeed contribute significantly to one’s journey, it is the cultural immersion that genuinely enhances the experience of studying abroad. Worry not, Akash and fellow study abroad aspirants with the same confusion; we have got you in this blog, where we discuss certain ways to get the most out of your study abroad experience through cultural immersion as an Indian student. So let’s delve in, shall we? 1. Learning a basic language helps you a long way. While Duolingo is entertaining, let’s be honest, the locals will appreciate sincere efforts. Get a phrasebook and language applications, then go out there and make embarrassing pronunciation errors; laughter is, after all, a truly universal language. Who knows? You might end up making some great local friends.A successful plan for fully engaging in a foreign culture is to acquire fluency in the local language. Communicating with locals in their mother tongue provides opportunities for genuine experiences, even if your education is conducted in English. If not proficiency, one must always learn the basic “good morning,” “thank you,” and “welcome” words in the local language of the country you are traveling to. It always helps you leave a good impression on the locals. 2. Yes, you are a tourist, but try not to act like one. Why do we say that? Since a tourist only gets to see the popular attractions of the country that are meant to be seen by them, try not to be a tourist. It sounds weird, but hold on… You are there to study and to live there for at least a year, not just a week or a month. One should try to immerse themselves in the culture of the country. Get away from the tourist traps and the expensive “authentic” experiences. Stroll through areas that evoke memories of grandma’s kitchen rather than tourist cologne, visit local markets, and stop for coffee at the coffee shop where everyone appears to know each other. Try the local cuisine. You’ll find hidden gems, secret rituals, and stories that guidebooks can’t even dream of. Keep in mind that you are a temporary resident, not a judge. Your culture, like all others, has its quirks. Keep an open mind, embrace differences, and avoid falling prey to the “my way is better” fallacy. The purpose of cultural immersion is knowledge, not criticism. 3. Calling it home without a homestay? Nah! Living with a local family is immersion on steroids. (You can imagine.) Of course, before traveling to a foreign country for your studies, it is always wise to check your accommodations, mostly dormitories or other private rooms on rent. It sounds good, but… Imagine living in a homestay with a local family, getting to see the ways of daily life of the locals up close, getting to eat their staple food, and introducing them to your culture. It sounds about right. By the end, you will not just be the guests for the hosts, but more like an extended part of their families. 4. Be social and connect with the locals. No one can really help you experience the hidden gems and the culture of the country like your local friends can.“But how do I make local friends in a foreign country?” You have to be a social butterfly. Join some classes that attract your interest, offer your services as a volunteer at the local center, or root for the local sports team (even if you don’t understand the rules). Engage in discussions with shopkeepers, bus drivers, taxi drivers, and other students. The more social risks you take, the more rewarding your life will be as an international student in a foreign country. 5. Document your journey with both your camera and your eyes. Again, what do we mean by that? Keep recording, but put down the phone when you’re in the middle of an experience. Take it all in—the sounds, the sights, and the conversations. The amount of information you take in when you’re not staring at a screen will amaze you. Remember, it is important to live the experience as it comes. The pictures and videos are great for your Instagram, but you have to fill in the caption too, and you can only do that when you have thoroughly lived through that experience. Even when you have to tell your grandkids the stories, just pictures and videos won’t be effective, right? Narration is important. Grandkids? (Yes, be optimistic.) 6. Embrace the ‘Yes’ mentality. Received an unexpected family invitation to a park picnic? Your response: “Yes!” “Are you interested in learning their card game?” Your response: Yes! A “yes” response enables unplanned experiences and everlasting recollections. Remember, the greatest moments can sometimes be the unplanned ones. Therefore, always let life happen to you in a foreign land. Each experience (even a negative one) brings memories and life lessons with it. Traveling to study abroad is a transformative journey, so… Continue reading 6 Ways Indian Students Can Maximize Study Abroad Experience Through Cultural Immersion

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